Tuesday, November 17, 2015

VIVA VOCE QUESTION - References for class XI Arts

1.      Name the coldest temperature of the atmosphere. 
Ø  Mesosphere 

2.      Tell at least TWO differences between Insolation and Temperature.
Ø  The radiant energy from the sun that strikes the earth is called insolation.
Ø  Insolation is measured in calories.
Ø  Temperature is the degree of hotness (intensity of heat).
Ø  Temperature is measured in Degree Celsius or Fahrenheit.

3.      Name TWO types of Planetary Winds
Ø  The Trade Winds / Easterlies and the Westerlies.

4.      What is Precipitation? What are the forms of precipitation?
Ø  The condensation of water vapour in the air in the form of water droplets and ice and their falling on the ground is called precipitation.
Ø  Types:
1)      Snowfall
2)      Sleet
3)      Hail Stone
4)      Rainfall

5.      What is Remote Sensing?
Ø  The collection of information about an object without coming into physical contact is called remote sensing.

6.      In which layer of the atmosphere the weather occurs?
Ø  Troposphere 

7.      What do you mean by Heat Balance of the Earth?
Ø  The balance between the incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation is called Heat Balance of the Earth.

8.      What are the branches of rainfall?
Ø  Convectional / conventional Rainfall, Orographic Rainfall and Cyclonic / Frontal Rainfall.

9.      What are the different types of Periodic Winds?
Ø  Monsoon Winds, Land and Sea Breezes and Mountain and Valley Breezes.

10.   What are the components of Remote Sensing?
Ø  Energy Component (Sun)
Ø  Platform
Ø  Sensor

11.   Which layer of the atmosphere the ozone is present?
Ø  Stratosphere 

12.   Point out at least FOUR factors of solar insolation.
Ø  Inclination of Sun’s Rays
Ø  Length of the Day or Duration of Sunshine
Ø  Transparency of the atmosphere
Ø  Distribution of Land  and Water
Ø  Slope of Land
Ø  Distance of the Earth from the Sun

13.   What are the types of Local Winds?
Ø  Loo, Fohn, Chinook, Mistral and Harmattan

14.   What is the unit of measurement of relative humidity?
Ø  Percent (%)

15.   What are the types of Remote Sensing?
Ø  Passive Remote Sensing and Active Remote Sensing

16.   Which layer of the atmosphere protects the earth from meteoroids?
Ø  Mesosphere 

17.   Tell FOUR factors of temperature.
Ø  Latitude / Distance from the Equator
Ø  Altitude / Height above Sea-level
Ø  Distance from Sea
Ø  Ocean Currents
Ø  Prevailing Winds
Ø  Aspects of  Slope
Ø  Nature of Land Surface
Ø  Clouds and Rainfall

18.   What is Cyclone?
Ø  A Cyclone is a low pressure area surrounded by high pressure areas from all sides.

19.   What does EMS stands for?
Ø  Electro Magnetic Spectrum (EMS)

20.   Which type of rainfall generally occurs in the equatorial region?
Ø  Conventional Rainfall.

21.   Name the component which protects ultraviolet rays given off by the sun.
Ø  Ozone Gas

22.   Name TWO permanent winds.
Ø  Trade Winds / Easterlies and Westerlies.

23.   What is Biosphere?
Ø  BIO means Living and SPHERE means Zone. The zone where living organisms grow and reproduce is known as Biosphere OR The life supporting portion of the                                        Earth.

24.   What is the literal meaning of Chinook?
Ø  Snow-eaters

25.   What is Electro Magnetic Spectrum?
Ø  EMS is a group of light which is used in the remote sensing method.

26.   What is Horizontal Distribution of Temperature?
Ø  The distribution of temperature across the latitudes.

27.   How is Isotherm different Isobar?
Ø  Isotherm – An imaginary line joining places having equal temperature.
Ø  Isobar – An imaginary line joining places having equal atmospheric pressure.

28.   What is Atmospheric Moisture?
Ø  The amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere.

29.   What are the inorganic realms of the Earth?
Ø  Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

30.   What are the methods of image interpretation?
Ø  Visual Image Interpretation
Ø  Digital Image Interpretation

31.   Which layer will bounce the radio waves back to the earth's surface?
Ø  Ionosphere 

32.   What is difference between Normal Lapse Rate and Inversion of Temperature?
Ø  Normal Lapse Rate –Temperature decreases with height at the rate of 10C for 165 meters or 6.40 C for 1 km ascent.
Ø  Inversion of Temperature – Temperature increases with height under special conditions like long nights, clear sky, stable weather, ice cover etc.

33.   What is the difference between Evaporation and Condensation?
Ø  Evaporation – The process by which water is transformed from liquid to vapour or gas.
Ø  Condensation – The process of change of state from gaseous to liquid or solid.

34.   The Biosphere is the organic realm of the Earth – True / False.

35.   Electrically charged particles called ions are found in which layer of the atmosphere.
Ø  Ionosphere

36.    What are the special conditions of Inversion of Temperature?
Ø  Long Nights, Clear Sky, Stable Weather, Ice Cover, Dry Air and Air Drainage

37.   What is Ecology?
Ø  The scientific study of interactions between organisms and their environments, focusing on energy transfer.

38.   Name at least FOUR components of the atmosphere.
Ø  Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen, Ozone, Water Vapour, Dust Particles.

39.   What are the factors of Evaporation?
Ø  Temperature, Dryness of Air, Clouds, Size of the Water Area and Movement of Air.

40.   What is Ecosystem?
Ø  An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, and atmosphere). 

41.   What is the unit of measuring insolation?
Ø  Calory

42.   Which lines shows the horizontal distribution of temperature on the map?
Ø  Isotherms

43.   What does VIBGYOR stands for?
Ø  V – Violet
Ø  I – Indigo
Ø  B – Blue 
Ø  G – Green
Ø  Y – Yellow
Ø  O – Orange
Ø  R – Red 

44.   What is Humidity? What are the types of Humidity?
Ø  The amount of water vapour present in the air.
Ø  Types:
1)      Absolute Humidity
2)      Specific Humidity
3)      Relative Humidity

45.   What are the components of Ecosystem?
Ø  Energy Component
Ø  Biotic Component
Ø  Abiotic Component

46.   What are the structures of the atmosphere?
Ø  Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere.

47.   Name the instrument to measure the atmospheric pressure.
Ø  Barometer

48.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of Remote Sensing?
Ø  Advantages
1)      Less time consuming
2)      Global coverage
3)      Up-to-date information
4)      Synoptic View
5)      Accuracy
Ø  Disadvantages
1)      Remote sensing satellite images are expensive.
2)      Viewing of the three dimensional is not possible.
3)      Ground resolution is inadequate for detail studies at micro level.
4)      In general data collection is difficult during cloud cover.

49.   What are the factors of affecting atmospheric pressure?
Ø  Temperature, Altitude, Water Vapour, Gravitational Pull and Rotation of the Earth.

50.   What is the formula to calculate the relative humidity?

Ø  Relative Humidity =   × 100

51.   What are the types of Ecosystem?
Ø  Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem

52.   Tell FOUR importance of the atmosphere.
Ø  Base of life
Ø  Weather and Climate
Ø  Heat Balance
Ø  Safeguard against Ultraviolet Radiations
Ø  Radio Broadcasting
Ø  Safeguard against Meteorites
Ø  Airways

53.   What is the difference between Wind and Air Current?
Ø  Wind –Horizontal movement of air.
Ø  Air Current – Vertical or nearly vertical movement of air.

54.   What are the significances of Relative Humidity?
Ø  Health, Forecasting of Rain, Agricultural Operations and Building operations.

55.   What is the height of the atmosphere?
Ø  32,000 km

56.   What is the relationship between atmospheric pressure and temperature?
Ø  Inverse Relationship – Higher the temperature, lower the pressure and vice- versa.

57.   Name the gas responsible for ozone layer depletion.
Ø  Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

58.   What are the implications of Remote Sensing?
Ø  Urban Planning
Ø  Environmental Studies
Ø  Agricultural Management
Ø  Water Resource management
Ø  Land used and settlement pattern

59.   Dew, frost, fog, mist, clouds and precipitation are the forms of precipitation – True / False

60.   What are the components of Environment?
Ø  Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere

61.   What are the evidences of climate change?
Ø  Temperature is rising
Ø  Mountain Glaciers are melting
Ø  Sea level is rising
Ø  Change in precipitation pattern

62.   What is Horizontal Distribution of Atmospheric Pressure?
Ø  The distribution of atmospheric pressure across the latitudes.

63.   Name the different pressure belts over the globe.
Ø  Expect the equatorial low pressure belt, all other form matching pairs in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
1)      Equatorial Low Pressure Belt
2)      Sub-Tropical High Pressure Belts
3)      Sub-Polar low Pressure Belts
4)      Polar High Pressure Belts

64.   What is Food Chain and Food Web?
Ø  Food Chain – The energy transformation in an ecosystem occur by means of a series of steps or levels.
Ø  Food Web – Represents a network of interconnected food chains.

65.   What are the types of clouds on the basis of their appearance?
Ø  Cirrus Clouds
Ø  Cumulus Clouds
Ø  Stratus Clouds
Ø  Nimbus Clouds

66.   What are Herbivores and Carnivores?
Ø  Herbivores – The plant eating animals are called herbivores.
Ø  Carnivores – The flesh or meat eating animals are called carnivores.

67.   What is Climate Change?
Ø  The change in climate over a given area is called climate change.

68.   Tell FOUR factors of Wind
Ø  Pressure Gradient Force
Ø  Coriolis Effect / Force
Ø  Centripetal Acceleration
Ø  Land Friction

69.   What do you understand by Ecological Balance?
Ø  The different animals living in an ecosystem is determined in such a way that each one of them gets enough food, water, temperature and living space to sustain life. The requirement of small animals is less and their rate of reproduction is high whereas bigger animals require large quantities of food, water and space, and their rate of reproduction is slow. Thus, there is a perfect harmony between various cycles of flow of energy establishing a dynamic and fluctuating equilibrium in any ecosystem. This is known as Ecological Balance.

70.   What are the different types of winds?
Ø  Planetary Winds
Ø  Periodic Winds
Ø  Local Winds

71.   What is Bio-Diversity? What are the components of Bio-diversity?
Ø  The multi-species of living beings (plants and animals).
Ø  Components – Plants and Animals.

72.   The low, medium and high clouds are the types of clouds on the basis of appearance – True / False.

73.   What are the consequences of Climate Change?
Ø  Melting of ice and snow
Ø  Floods and Draughts
Ø  Changes in animal life
Ø  Changes in natural vegetation and agriculture
Ø  Ozone depletion

74.   When is the World Environment Day Observed?
Ø  5th June

75.   Name the Geographer who suggested the classification of world climates.
Ø  Koeppen

76.   What is Global Warming?
Ø  It is the slow increase in world temperature caused by the greenhouse effect.

77.   Which gas is mainly responsible for greenhouse effect?
Ø  Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

78.   What is Image Interpretation?
Ø  Image / photo interpretation is an examination of photo / image to identify objects and features in the photo.

79.   What are the key elements of Image Interpretation?
1.      Tone
2.      Shape
3.      Shadow
4.      Pattern
5.      Site
6.      Texture
7.      Association
8.      Colour
9.      Size
80.   What is the instrument to measure the speed of the wind.
Ø  Anemometer